Your Ultimate List Of Adventurous Bucks Party Ideas In Sydney

Is your best mate one of those guys that like the unconventional? Sort of stick out like vegemite in everyone else’s jam, but you still love the weirdo anyway? Well, cater to his eccentricities in a city that supports the lifestyle, when his Sydney bucks party comes around by treating him to a few things on the more exciting side of life. Have a geeze at the below for some ideas on how to treat your best mate in Sydney before his wedding, and hopefully it’ll get your own brain matter working.

A woman standing with legs apart as an F1 car drives up

F1 Car Driving

A uniquely Sydney activity, step inside this masterpiece of engineering, which ironically is so light it could be lost in a light breeze. With upwards of 800 horsepower and a speed limit north of 300km/ph it’s certainly a unique experience to be flying up the tarmac, with effectively only a few inches separating your arse from a high velocity concrete cheesegrater. With a full introduction to this icon of speed, any of your technical mates will have plenty of questions and probably plans to build their own by the time they leave. Get the buck strapped in for a few hot laps around the track, assuming he stays awake through the g-forces.

Two drags queens against a mountain range

Drag Night

If adventure is getting out of your comfort zone, then get the old tuck and slip on before heading to one of the funniest nights of your life. With a perfect venue and a host of class you’ll be wondering how they do half the things they do with the powersuit of an outfit these queens wear. Put down a few drinks with the boys and hope you don’t get called on stage, or wave your hand up madly and become part of the hilarity, bonus points if you get the buck on stage, these ladies will certainly know how to treat the man of the hour!

Blue Mountains Trip

This is technically Sydney right? Well it’s Sydney enough for us! Embrace the pioneer in you and head out to one of the most stunning places in the whole country, the great Blue Mountains. With towering trees, hundreds of hikes, and gorgeous waterfalls, if your buck is the type of bloke that likes to hang out in the great outdoors then you’d be nuttier than a squirrel shit to miss these. Find a good camping site and enjoy a campfire under clear skies and outstanding stars, before jumping in your fourby, or just using your own two legs, to find some breathtaking mountain views. This is the perfect Sydney spot if your best mate is looking for an escape from the city (and wedding planning), so enjoy!

V8 Race Car Driving

Is your buck an avid Bathurst fan and you can confidently say if he’s not glued to the telly watching the race, then he’s dead? Alternatively he might just be a fan of engines, in which case we’v got a bunch of mighty V8s for him. With locations in Sydney, you don’t need to head out to the arse end of Mt Pano to enjoy these beasts, instead you can fling them around corners effectively in Sydney’s own backyard! Embrace the Brock and get your buck’s blood pumping as he enjoys the experience of tailgating six cars at 300 km/ph.

Two Flyboarders hovering over the water with the sun shining in the background


If you’re looking for something water based, then we’re going to meet you half way with jetpacking. Picture this, a backpack, but one being consistently launched into the air by massive firemen's hoses pumping out a constant jet of highly pressured water, sending you flying into the air. Does that not sound like the best thing ever? Fly around and spray your mates as you’re pushed into the air by the sheer power of water. Yes, you’ll probably crash a  few times, but hey at least you’ll splash down nicely in the water, right?

Aerobatic Flights

This is one we don’t get to speak about often, but Sydney has it! Throw on a jumpsuit and head across the field to where your private sports plane is waiting. Have a chat with the pilot so you can confidently say you’ve flown with a nutter, and then it’s you and him trundling down the runway. Over the next 30+ minutes, this bloke is going to make your guts confused with your brain and your feet house your eyeballs as he takes you through a series of spins, flips, dives, and a host of other blood curdling manoeuvres. Both we and the pilot hope you went on a 24hr fast before this food poisoning simulator, because it’ll be a hell of an artwork inside that cockpit if you haven’t. If this doesn’t satisfy that mate who enjoys testing the limits of his adrenal glands then we don’t know what will.

Give this list a look at with your adrenaline junkie best mate and see if any of them pique his interest, not that we get how one couldn’t. We feel, with these particular activities, it’ll be some of his closest mates that’ll have a problem participating, not him!

The MyUltimate Bucks logo against a backdrop of a woman in a swimsuit leaning on a classic car

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